High Horizons Est.


  • Understand and meet the requirements of our stakeholders, employees, consultants, contractors, and clients.
  • Continually improve our processes and services.
  • Comply with regulatory requirements and applicable international standards related to quality.
  • To ensure improvement in competencies of the employees and provide opportunities for growth.
  • Actively seeking new and creative ways of enhancing and increasing our levels of customer service with a professional attitude toward our commitment to solving their needs.
  • The company’s activities, products, and services are documented within our management system to control risks and mitigate quality impact.

Health & Safety

  • Provide and maintain safe premises and healthy working environments for all employees and stakeholders.
  • Ensure effective assessment of risks and apply measures to control them.
  • Comply to regulatory requirements and applicable international standards and codes related to health and safety.
  • Identify the potential hazard and ensure arrangements are made to control the associated risks.
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that employees are able to carry out their work safely, which will be reviewed periodically or when there are any significant changes that may affect the health and safety.
  • Reduce and continue to improve the accident frequence rate (AFR) and reduce lost time injury frequence rate (LTIF).


  • To take every effort to prevent pollution by reducing emissions, preventing spillage, minimizing wastage and re-use and recycling whenever possible.
  • As appropriate, take corrective action where past practices have harmed the environment to minimize risk to the environment.
  • Comply to regulatory requirements and applicable international standards and codes related to environment.
  • Ensure continues improvement in our process to prevent pollution of air, land, and water.